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We headed over the river to the Lower Kinni on Monday and had a great time. First stop at the fly shop (hardware store) in River Falls, got our licenses and a few nymphs (zebra) for our box.

We parked at our usual spot and got our waders on; and glad to see we were the only one around. Not for long, a truck with two guys and a car pulled up. We took our time getting our things on and making sure we had everything.............Wow.........those guys were out and gone..........suppose to make sure they got to their 'sweet spot'. No problem, we strolled further down and found a real 'sweet spot'.

I used 6x and tied on a copper john (18) with a BB a 12" and then an indicator about 24" from one right away......small brown and then missed a few. lost my copper john on a branch .........switched to a zebra (18)............and lots of action on that. it slowed switched to dry......... not good with dry flies; but Becky was able to catch a few on a were rising but I just couldn't get them.........All in all it was a good day...........lots of pictures..............'time flies when you are having so much fun!'

Saturday is Rush River Clean-up...........hope to do some fishing after that!...........keep your lines wet!