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This might be the last Lohan story for a while. Just as last summer we declared PopCrush Lohan-free until she did something significance, like bring fresh water to undeveloped nations, it's time to leave her alone, since all the drama has been played out. It's possible every last atom of interest has been wrung from her story. You can sense the disappointment in this AP story:

"Mean Girls" was seven years ago. If the only way the press can identify you is by reaching back to a movie made in the first term of the Bush administration, your career isn't exactly incandescent. Then there's that lawsuit from the Betty Ford employee; perhaps the press can chew that cud for a while. TMZ says:

Details, details. We're sure the case has merits, and there's every reason for a lawsuit. You work at a rehab clinic with drug addicts, the last thing you expect is a physical altercation. She wants a million dollars, by the way. $100k per second.