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It is too bad that Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau has not shown more remorse for motorcyclist Ivan Romero, who was killed Friday in a collision with one of her officers, the latter of whom is now traumatized ("Officer hasn't yet talked to police about fatal crash," May 16).

Instead of standing up with Harteau at a news conference, City Council Members Don Samuels and Meg Tuthill should be leading a call for an external investigation. Witnesses state that the police vehicle was doing 40 to 50 miles per hour. The chief states that it was 16 to 20. (But more like 5 mph, right, chief?) The call should go to the FBI so that the actual truth comes out.

Jerry Struthers, Otsego, Minn.

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What ever happened to authentic compassion? We have compassion for the young man on the motorcycle who died in the accident with the police SUV. We have compassion for his girlfriend. But what of the third victim, the police officer driving that SUV? Compassion? No. These days, society dictates we must hold someone accountable, even though the officer had the right of way, with sirens blaring and lights flashing, to — yes — run a red light. This third victim suffers (and always will) from the trauma of driving the vehicle that killed the young man. Yet, our compassion for this person has vanished because we've become too self-absorbed, too prejudiced and too impatient for answers.

Unfortunately, we'll never know if the young man heard or saw the police coming. The girlfriend? We'll let her heal before asking questions, because we have compassion. The officer? Some say we need answers now, not compassion. Really? Really?

Show some compassion. And patience. I hope this officer isn't charged with anything other than doing his or her job.

Laurie Lanzdorf, Minneapolis