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I was astonished when I read state House Majority Leader Matt Dean's comments about the author Neil Gaiman ("GOP targets Legacy funds for MPR, arts," May 4).

For an elected representative to call a well-loved, award-winning children's author "a little, pencil-necked weasel" and to express "hate" toward the man is beyond the pale.

Apparently even Dean's own mother was appalled -- she made him apologize. Exactly what is it about Gaiman that Dean doesn't like?

Is it the fact that Gaiman is a talented, successful writer who knows how to accurately describe things? (I've never seen a weasel with a pencil-shaped neck.)

Or is it the fact that he can command a $45,000 speaking fee (which in this case he donated to charity a long time ago)?

Bristol Palin reportedly gets $15,000 to $30,000 when she speaks. Is she "worth" as much as Neil Gaiman?

Dean owes an apology not only to Gaiman, but also to children, writers and weasels everywhere.