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Jumping at the opportunity to engage in their favorite pastime of slandering as racist anyone with whom they disagree, a left-wing lynch mob led by the melanin-obsessed Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson has succeeded in bullying the National Football League into denying Rush Limbaugh an opportunity to be part of a group attempting to buy the St. Louis Rams.

The dogmatic duo's case against Limbaugh was so convincing they had to attribute fabricated racist quotes to the talk-show host and, using the media as their megaphones, did what liberal agitators do: intimidate, threaten and cajole until given their way. The cowardly crusade against Limbaugh, performed on a national stage, offered a glimpse into the perverse and pervasive ugliness that embodies the far-left in today's America. Incapable of debate, they instead attempt to destroy their political opponents.

Magnified by the left's hysterical reaction to the Limbaugh situation is the myth that the recipe for liberalism is two-parts tolerance, one-part open-mindedness and a pinch of kindness. What recently happened to Limbaugh in front of millions has been happening to conservatives in front of smaller numbers on college campuses and in popular culture for decades.

Wherever conservative opinions are voiced, there is an immediate, disgraceful attempt by the left to censor them, shout them down or shut them up. In his attempt to realize a lifelong dream, owning the NFL team 100 miles north of his hometown, Rush Limbaugh was denied, not for who he is or what he's said, but for what he is: An unabashedly proud, immensely popular conservative with a voice that won't be silenced by the bullies with bullhorns.