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When, during our recent warm January days, I mentioned concern for native plants and animals, several people responded, "But I like April in January!"

We do not live here alone. Moles, otters, native cattails, chickadees, beaver, trillium, moose, paper birch -- all developed in the predictable seasonal pattern of Minnesota.

Having patterned their food gathering, dormant periods, and fur and feather thickness on species experience of basic weather reliability, they do not thrive when seasons are jumbled.

"Hmm ... I never thought of that," people have replied.

Please think of it.

Tell others that small creatures find warmth under blankets of snow -- that moose and pines need cold to kill parasites and will sicken if cold does not come.

When we live in a place, we ought to become native, caring for others who make that place home.

For their sake, I welcome snowfall and winter cold.