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Jack is ON THE LOOSE and OUT OF CONTROL and Russians are to blame. Two professional fitness models are working for Former President Logan, aka Twitchy McNixon, who would approve the release of sarin gas over the entire Southern hemisphere if it meant important politicians would take his calls instead of seeing his name on Caller ID and letting it go to voice mail.

Jack, after discovering a SIMM card in the stomach of a Russian assassin he just split open with a pig sticker - lucky break! - now realizes that Logan has something to do with this. This is actually setting up justification for Jack Bauer assassinating a former president of the United States. Given how this show started, it's really coming full circle. Some observations, and yes, SPOILERS AHOY:

Logan has a way with people, doesn't he? Everyone who talks with him walks away feeling like they've been licked by Gila lizard.

The ambush and extraction of President Logan went well for Jack, but someone's going to lose their job over that. Okay, let's route the former Presidential motorcade through a narrow tunnel. What? Oh, c'mon, trust me, I've been planning motorcades since I routed one through Dealey Plaza.

Jack's costume for the Logan-lifting was unnerving - Bauer IS Iron Man! No one wants to see Mr. Eyeless coming towards them. If you listen to the music, it's the same strange groaning basso glissando used in the Terminator movies, and I do not think that's a coincidence.

Not since "Air Force One" has a President, former or otherwise, gotten punched out like that. And for dessert, a light choking! It's going to be Depends and Xanax for the rest of Logan's life - or so you think, until you see him lying on the stretcher later, lying. The fellow can dissemble about anything, and no doubt will give himself greasy reassurances that he knocked Bauer unconscious, not the other way around.

At the Russians' suite: Jack certainly can redecorate a room, can't he. But he really crosses a line at the ebnd. Perforating a half-dozen Rooskies with diplomatic immunity is one thing, but if I'm right, that was warrantless wiretapping at the end there. Well, it's set up for the big confrontation between Jack and . . . who? President Madame President? You might be wondering how he'll get into the White House, and the answer is simple: use the secret underground Potomac River tunnel discovered in a previous season.

He's also stabbed again, and this time his amazing self-sealing innertube intestines don't seem to be auto-suturing the wound. So he'll be weak in the next episode. "Weak" meaning it'll take two hands to twist off someone's head.