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Most folks have heard the news by now that KSTP is switching to a sports format anchored by ESPN radio and local holdovers Patrick Reusse, Joe Soucheray and Joe Anderson.

That gives the Twin Cities two full-time sports talk radio stations. Will it work? Do you like the idea? Is this town big enough for the both of them? Let's hear the RandBallers' take on all this.

Side note: Thanks to those who have tweeted that they would like to see us join the sports radio fray. That includes The Marth and Kirschty, who have been spreading the #randballonkstp hashtag on Twitter. It's flattering, even though we keep seeing "Rand Balloon Ketchup" for some reason when we look at it.

He and Sassbottom were clearly among the dedicated fan base from the RandBites days with the talented and hyperactive Tom Linnemann. Yeah, that was the golden age of sports podcasting. If you missed that entire era, here's a link to a program from April of 2008 where we welcome Brett Favre to the Vikings with open arms, more than a full year before it happened. That's what happens when you broadcast on the Internet. You learn to see into the future.