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Josh Duhamel got kicked off a plane because he wouldn't stop texting.

There's a chance it wasn't the favorite moment of the people on the plane, either, pal. That's a 150 civilians inconvenienced because you can't stop playing thumb-music. You know the stew probably asked six times before saying "if you don't stop texting, we will turn this plane around and go home," but he still kept texting because he's Josh Duhamel and he's in Transformers and married to Fergie! You can't tell him when to stop texting.

Apparently so. Someone will probably take him aside and explain to him the facts of Hollywood: "until you're big enough so you don't have to fly commercial, you have to do what the flight attendants say. Yes, yes, kid, they're just ordinary people, but they have authority once the door closes, and they are impervious to your power. I'm telling you, autographs won't even work with them. It's like they're not really human."