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Craft beer is not the only Minnesota-made beverage earning national acclaim. The BevNet website has named locally produced Joia the nation's best carbonated soft drink.

I agree, although admittedly I haven't tried them all .

BevNet's blurb noted that the four Joia drinks "combine mellow fruit flavors with spices and herbs to create something that's extremely unique and addictive."

Here's what Taste editor Lee Svitak Dean had to say about Joia in September:

"Drink up! The makers of Joia all-natural soda want you to reach for a cold one. Theirs is an unusual blend of fruit, herbs and spices with carbonation. Sip it as is (slowly as you would a wine rather than guzzling like a soft drink), or use as an ingredient in mixed drinks or smoothies. Joia (pronounced JOY-uh) comes in four flavors: lime (with hibiscus and clove), blackberry (with pomegranate and ginger), grapefruit (with chamomile and cardamom) and pineapple (with coconut and nutmeg). My favorite? The pineapple-coconut blend, but then I'm partial to anything coconut.

"You'll find it at Lunds, Byerly's, Kowalski's, Whole Foods and some food co-ops, as well as specialty stores and some local restaurants. A four-pack of 12-ounce bottles costs $5.99."

Since Lee wrote that, distribution has widened mightily. The Joia website lists these venues as carrying their product.

Might be some new names to add to the list after this award.