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This is a disappointment:

Depp's great, but does he have to be in everything? He's shooting "Dark Shadows" this spring, then "The Lone Ranger." Can't quite see him as the Lone Ranger, or the Wizard character, either. It's the story that tells how the Wizard got to Oz in the first place, and since it's "off-beat" that means they can only think of Depp. No offense to his substantial skills, but there has to be someone else who can play the role. I know, I know: give them an inch, and they'll demand Jack Black.

Although, you know . . . No. Sorry. Wasn't thinking. Elsewhere in Remake City:

So it's a relaunch, not a reboot? Or a restart? None dare say rerun or retread, do they. Well, at least it will have company in the things-we-cannot-seem-to-stop-doing-for-no-reason category:

That's right. Another version of Charlie's Angels. This would be the third. Why? Because it was on TV in the 70s! So it's cool. You know, I was around in the 70s, and there weren't many movies based on radio shows from the 30s. Why, we were so starved for entertainment we had to make up new plots and characters. Imagine that.