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John Berryman in 1965, soon after winning the Pultizer Prize for poetry for his "77 Dream Songs." / File photo by Jack Gillis

Writer/actor Ben Kreilkamp will read from a selection of poet John Berryman's work at a tribute event in Minneapolis on Feb. 17. Berryman, who taught at the University of Minnesota, will also be remembered by former students, colleagues and people who knew him. The emcee for the event is poet Michael Dennis Browne. Other presenters include Kate Donahue, Judith Koll Healey, Richard Kelly, Patricia Kirkpatrick, and Michael Mann.

The troubled poet won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1965 for his "77 Dream Songs." He was a professor of English at the U of M from 1955 until his suicide in 1972.

The Book House in Dinkytown is sponsoring the Berryman tribute in recognition of its 35 years in business near the university. The free event starts at 7 p.m. at the Loring Pasta Bar in Dinkytown, on Thursday, Feb. 17. There will be a reception afterward.

Below, a 1967 interview with Berryman, from Ireland.