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Q: How do you politely tell people they're not on mute during a work Zoom call?

A: The most important thing is to be subtle and gentle about it. You can send a private message to let them know that they haven't turned the microphone off, but if they're not paying attention to the mute button, they might not notice a message, either.

Alternatively, depending on your comfort or familiarity with the meeting attendees, you can make a lighthearted remark about it. The key is to avoid calling someone out and to make it seem as if they've arrived at the realization they are not muted on their own. It's important to remember that this is a group setting, and you want to avoid embarrassing everyone.

The other thing to keep in mind is that these types of things happen as we've switched to remote work. And with more virtual and online interactions, it's inevitable that mishaps will happen. As long as we approach them with poise, grace and empathy, I don't think it's a big deal.

SCOTT STEINBERG, president of the International Association for Business Development and Strategic Partnerships

A: I don't tell people, and that isn't a flippant answer, or because I'm being too polite. Many times, what they're talking about is more telling than the topic of the meeting. When someone thinks he's muted and starts talking to his cat, it is very refreshing. There's a real human emerging. There is no way I'd want to mute that precious gem.

Zoom calls are too performative; how could they not be? Work Zooms are often the worst kind of Zoom calls — no one knows how casual they can be. One of my colleagues summarized it best as "a blurring of the public and private spaces."

BEN CLAUS, yoga instructor and writer