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Free headsets? Not in Minnesota - yet

Laws banning cell phone usage while driving are in effect in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and Washington, D.C., Motor Matters reports. The success at reducing accident rates related to cell phone use has prompted adoption of similar legislation in California and Washington. To encourage people to change their driving behavior, online retailer says it will send a free cell phone headset to anyone who sends the company a copy of his or her traffic citation for making calls while driving. And what about Minnesota? Read on.

Minnesota has new ban on text messaging

The North Star state has not yet completely banned cell phone usage or even hand-held cell phone usage, as some states have done. However, as of Aug. 1, the state does now have in effect a law that bans text messaging while driving. According to the new law, "Exceptions are established for emergency situations, if the device is operated in a hands-free or voice-activated mode, to make a phone call or by certain emergency personnel in the official course of duty."

Are you an "imp" driver?

Are you an "imp?" Motor Matters says that these are the four imps that often cause auto accidents: improvising, impatience, impunity and impulsiveness. It's never too late to become an improved driver. Take steps now to lessen these improper driving habits.

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Are you a fan of collectible or classic cars? If you are, then check out the MotorMouth blog at MotorMouth Kris Palmer, freelance auto writer and editor, who also puts together this section's Weekend Garage column every Saturday, blogs about vintage cars, the collectible auto scene and just about everything else that goes vroom. And, as with any good blog, you can participate. You can post comments and converse with others about a wide variety of vintage car topics.