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Several hundred people rallied on the steps of the State Capitol on Saturday to oppose Gov. Tim Pawlenty's proposed 15 percent cut in spending for health and human services.

Chanting "no more cuts," and carrying signs saying "Don't balance the budget on the backs of our disabled, elderly and vulnerable," the crowd groaned when Sen. Linda Berglin, DFL-Minneapolis, a longtime advocate for disabled people, said, "In order to balance the budget there will need to be some cuts." What the Legislature needs to focus on, Berglin said, is "are they going to be fair?"

Many people in the crowd said they were worried about losing personal care subsidies that allow loved ones to be cared for at home.

Ron and Sue Goldstein of Plymouth came to the rally with their 19-year-old daughter Devra, who uses a wheelchair, doesn't talk and needs help eating and taking care of herself. With help from the state's personal care attendant program she can be cared for at home, but if that program is cut, said Sue Goldstein, "We are afraid places like Faribault (state hospital) will be reopened."