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Well, that was less than legendary.

As telegraphed weeks earlier, the one-hour finale of "How I Met Your Mother" did indeed include the death of The Mother in almost a callous manner so that the writers could get to their true kicker: Ted ends up with Robin after all.

Other developments: Lily and Marshall have a third child and finally move out of their city apartment; Ted decides not to move to Chicago after all and a divorced Barney becomes a daddy.

If the series failed in this last season, it was that, despite a winning performance from Cristin Milioti, it never really gave us enough reasons to fall for The Mother. And while I once rooted for Ted and Robin to end up together, I stopped caring about those two crazy kids years ago and found the quickie divorce between Robin and Barney to be all too convenient.

At its best, "Mother" could pull at your emotional heartstrings (Marshall's father dying, Robin finding out she couldn't have kids) but this time around it fell somewhat short. However, it certainly looked like classic TV after watching "Friends With Better LIves," the mediocre new sitcom that followed it.

I was suddenly in the mood to hear Ted's story all over again.

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