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Type: Industrial

Size: 120,720 square feet

Developer: Ziegler Bloomington LLC

Architect: CNH Architects

Details: Bloomington-based Ziegler Cat, one the country's biggest Caterpillar dealers and service providers, is putting the finishing touches on its plans to remodel, expand and activate a vacant industrial building in the city.

Ziegler Cat acquired the former Anvil International manufacturing facility and its 11.3-acre lot last year for $3.7 million. The building is just across Interstate 35W from the company's headquarters at 901 W. 94th St. and is served by the same rail spur.

Under plans first approved in December, Ziegler aims to renovate the 120,720-square-foot building. The plans call for 21,000 square feet of remodeled office areas, a rebuilt main floor featuring 49,000 square feet of space for rebuilding and servicing large engines, and 40,000 square feet of warehouse space for engine and component storage.

This month, Ziegler Cat came back to the Bloomington Planning Commission with further modifications that would expand the newly acquired facility by nearly 9,000 square feet. Most that new space would be for a warehouse and loading dock addition.

The planning body unanimously approved the changes and praised the project as an important one to retain blue-collar jobs in Bloomington.

The company told city officials in December it planned to begin the remodeling work this spring with a targeted completion date of May 2016.

Don Jacobson is a freelance writer in St. Paul. He can be contacted at