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The Holidays brings about family, friends, celebration and a lot of food. For me, the holidays are the toughest time for me to test my will power and discipline, especially when I am around all of the tempting treats that is not very good for you. As an elite athlete training for the Olympics, I have to be very careful what I put into my body because what goes in my body will affect how I perform each and everyday on the ice. On average, Americans will gain eight pounds over the holiday season. Eight pounds are you kidding me!
Although, I can see how it happens: holiday treats, drinks and endless plates of food. Every holiday season I help out my grandma and mom in the kitchen baking Christmas cookies. Now, anyone who knows me pretty well knows that cookies are my weakness. My favorite holiday cookies are spritz cookies. You color the dough and put it into a pastry gun and shoot out different shapes. My personal favorites are the Christmas trees. These are bite-size cookies and to just have one is quite nearly impossible! There are just way too many temptations with the holiday season and the food that comes with it.
Below are a few tips I try to live by especially during the Holiday season:
1. Portion Sizes: eat with your stomach, not with your eyes.
2. Eat your veggies: Vegetables will tend to fill you up more, they have fewer calories and they are good for you
3. Eat slowly: Enjoy the conversation of those around you. The more slowly you eat the more chance your body has to tell you when you are full.
4. Go for a walk after you eat: Before you lay down for your nap, move a little. Burn off those calories you just consumed. Along with the tempting food and the business of the holiday season, working out gets put on the back burner and that adds to the increased weight gain over the holiday season.
Right now, we have five days off with the US National Team before we reconvene for camp on Dec 26th. Although these five days are important to rest our bodies and recover from any bumps and bruises we developed it is also important for me to be active each and every day. I believe that every person should break a sweat each day. Below is just a little workout I will do in a day where I will not be able to get to the gym. Right now, shoveling your driveway would be a great alternative. Keep the snow blower in the garage and grab a shovel!
* Squats x20
* Lunge x 10 each leg
* Push-ups x 15
* Elbow Bridge-Plank x :30sec
* Mountain Climbers x :30sec
* Wall Sits x :60sec
* Tuck Jumps x 10
* Side Elbow Bridge x :30sec/each side Complete each exercise without resting in between.
After you complete all eight exercises in a row, rest 2 minutes. Then repeat for how many times you wish. Just do a minimum of 3 sets. Adjust reps/time if needed.