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If your post-Thanksgiving mantra is to join the masses eschewing Black Friday and instead #OptOutside, there are myriad possibilities Friday and through the weekend. The outdoors-gear retailer REI started the movement last year when it closed its stores on Black Friday and encouraged its employees and customers to #OptOutside. Minnesota's 76 state parks and recreation areas have free admission Friday. Lutsen Mountain is on board, too, offering free lift tickets to anyone who hits their slopes Friday on the North Shore (details at Here are some other ideas for getting out and about this holiday weekend:

Lake Carlos hike

Lake Carlos State Park, 10 a.m.-noon Friday

Join the park naturalist for some fresh air and exercise on a hike through a variety of habitats and terrain. The first mile or so is a leisurely walk, with information about the wild turkeys and other animals in the park that are putting on weight for winter survival. The last two miles will be more of a fitness hike and a quicker pace. Meet at the visitor center. (1-320-852-7200,

Sibley hike

Sibley State Park, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday

Take a 2-mile hike to Mount Tom. The trail travels through oak savanna and ends with a great view of glacial lakes. Hiking shoes, a snack, water bottle and sun protection are recommended. Also encouraged are nonperishable food items to donate to the local food shelf. Meet at the interpretive center. (1-320-354-2055,

Wild River hike

Wild River State Park, 1-2:30 p.m. Saturday

Join the park naturalist. Meet at the visitor center. (651-583-2125, ext. 227,

Winter survivors

Eastman Nature Center, 10 a.m.-noon Saturday

Discover how animals survive winter, meet some hibernators and search for a few animals outdoors. (763-694-7700,

Geocache challenge

Whitewater State Park, 1-3:30 p.m. Saturday

Take geocaching devices into the woods to search for what's hidden. The hike is about 2 miles. (1-507-932-3007, ext. 229,

River otters

Fort Snelling State Park, 1-2:30 p.m. Sunday

The program explores the history of river otters, their impact on the park, and what their tracks and signs look like. (612-725-2724,