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According to Hollywood Reporter, this is going to be a movie:

Hey, if they can make three "Transformers" pix, why not? Hollywood Reporter says:

If it's true to life, then Major Matt will spend the last third of the movie with an arm that just hangs there and can't do anything, because the wire inside broke and it won't stay posed anymore. Also, he'll fall off that moon sled all the time, which pops his helmet visor open, letting out his oxygen. Then he will spend at least a week under an enormous sofa. So it's a comedy, then. The real terror: Zemeckis. "Polar Express." "A Christmas Carol." Mo-cap computer animation with creepy waxy dead people. His studio was behind "Mars Needs Moms," which bombed so hard seismographs in Turkey picked up the vibrations, and led to the closing of Zemeckis' animation studio, ImageMovers Digital. But maybe this will be Pixar-style, without mo-cap. Zemeckis is still loved for the fine movies he made, and perhaps this will be the one that makes up for the sterile, unnerving work he's done recently. Besides, it has Tom Hanks attached! He'll make sure everything's cool.

Oh. Right.