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Disney is shuffling its cable channels around:

It seems odd they'd have to drop one to create another. It's not like 1967, when you had three stations, maybe four, not including the static-filed transmissions from outer space on the UFH band. Now we have hundreds, and one suspects there's a bit of duplication here and there.

Or, they could move the channel to the web - but I'm betting they've looked at the demographic info, figure soaps skew old, and Grandma can't figure out how to watch something on her computer, or just doesn't want to. That's why she has a television, for land's sake. So they think, anyway - and since there's more money to be had shoving computer-generated versions of trademarked properties around, out go the soaps. Unless someone can come up with a good soap storyline that would make a good amusement park ride. And I don't mean a ride that moved an inch a day, took six months to finish, and didn't really happen because it turns out your twin was on another ride at Six Flags.

From the comments on the story:

Is it really that bad? We interrupt this probgram again to bring you breaking news on the hunt for the thunderstorm that robbed a bank earlier today!

By the way, of Disney doesn't bring back Rolie Polie Olie, shame. Now that they have 24 hours to fill, there's no excuse.