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Do you have any idea how many gossip sites exist? There are those devoted to misdeeds, like TMZ, a few devoted to handing out flattering press releases dressed up as news stories complete with "sources," and then there are the sites that seem to specialize in a certain form of speculation: what it means when famous people are seen eating together. Sometimes we have data on their behavior inside the restaurant; sometimes it's just a glimpse as they walk from door to curb. What does it mean?

Yes, of course there is. (Yawn.) Here's what I want to know: people are really interested in, say, Star Wars are geeks or dorks or nerds, but people who actually care when unattached celebrities consume nutrition together, and then speculate about whether they are having relations, are "celebrity watchers." I'd rather admit to knowing the various classes of starships on "Star Trek" than admit caring about the other. In fact, I just did.