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More apartment / condo news. It would be an odd day when someone didn't release a new project. This: good.

Brash enough for a crossroads destination. The rest of it brings to mind early 80s suburban apartments, and I suspect people want balconies more than recessed coves, but if they can get the neighborhood approval and built it, great. Next.

(strained smile)

It's great to see the Advance Thresher / Newton Implement building get a new life, and a skyway connection? Aces. But the new building has nothing to do with its neighbor. There's no visual integration whatsoever. The neighbor was built in two stages, and managed to integrate itself seamlessly; one has more stories than the other, but you can't tell by a quick read of the exterior. You'd like to think the third wing would reinvent the hue and style and rhythm of its neighbor, because otherwise it's like plopping an IHOP next to a Cass Gilbert temple.

GAMES Best 100 video games of all time! It's a SLIDE SHOW. You have to work the URL to bounce around if you're curious what's #22 (System Shock) or read the comments just to see what they left off. No Half-Life? Okay. Number 1: Bioshock, which angers up the blood in the comments, because other games were more influential. But it's "Best" not "which one spawned 49 underwhelming immitations. Also one comment says "Wolfenstein? Doom? Leather Goddesses of Phobos?" Doesn't indicate whether they made the list, because I don't think anyone made it through. But if the game doesn't have Doom, it's ridiculous. (Note: it also lacks Max Payne. Forget it.

CLICKBAIT It's called "Nine Things Only People Who Went to Sleepover Camp Will Understand."

How I love Clickhole.