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It's Earth Day tomorrow! Yippee! Yes, I mean it! I'm in a good mood where anything is possible (maybe it's because I saw the Broadway revival of the rock musical, HAIR in NYC over the weekend.) Thirty-nine years ago, 20 million Americans – mostly students -- participated in the first Earth Day on April 22nd . It started as a grass roots demonstration for the planet. I was in the 5th grade and remember picking up trash around Golden Valley Middle School. It made an impression on me. Everyone was working together for something that day rather than protesting against something.
Groovy baby, we have made lots of progress since that first Earth Day, but there is still much to do. In fact it feels overwhelming sometimes. But wait, don't let it be a downer and make you tune out – we can fix it together. Engaging in green solutions taps into that positive energy that I felt decades ago. Here are my top 5 reasons to celebrate Earth Day by going green, not just one day each year but every single day:
#1 Do it because there are so many people on the planet these days.
The population was 3 billion in 1960 and will likely reach 9-10 billion by 2050. This means that there are more and more people chasing a limited amount of resources. Using resources wisely will help to make sure that there is enough to go around.
#2 Do it to reduce planetary warming.
Nearly every modern convenience – appliances, cars, computers, heat, air conditioning, food, household products – add to the problem of global warming. Each time we drive, turn on a light or use our computer, carbon is being burned and adding to the greenhouse gas problem. Reducing our resource use by any amount helps solves the problem.
#3 Do it for the web of life.
Our oceans are over-fished, the rain forests are being cut down for crops, our mountains are mined and urban sprawl threatens the delicate balance of life, as we know it. Being responsible about our resources means that we understand that our lives are dependant on many other living things. If they fail and die so will we.
#4 Do it to improve health and reduce chemical use.
We are all living in a chemical stew of cleaning products, pesticides, personal care products, and chemically altered food. No one knows the long-term effects of all of these chemicals mixing together in our air and bodies. Using organic and natural products is key to reducing the possible long-term health problems.
#5 Do it for Love and Happiness.
Living a green life is a nurturing act of kindness for you, others and the planet. It taps into our most basic human need to give and get love. For the same kinds of reasons that people do volunteer work or help a friend, greening our lives can make us feel happy and fulfilled.
Go ahead -- feel groovy!