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Viewers expecting the title character in "Supergirl" to spend her shift treating the Justice League of America as a dating service and transforming the Fortress of Solitude into an appletini bar are about to have their sexist stereotypes shattered into a million pieces of Kryptonite.

The series, network TV's best rookie offering of the fall season, breezes through the origin story faster than a speeding bullet to land squarely on a mature, formidable heroine played by former "Glee" star Melissa Benoist.

Any temptations to turn the drama into a platform for feminism issues are dealt with swiftly and smartly in a scene in which Benoist's alter ego, a mild-mannered personal assistant, questions the term "supergirl" to her boss (a delicious Calista Flockhart), who dismisses such frivolous matters like Ally McBeal would shoo away an extra slab of pecan pie.

There's a galaxy to save — and Benoist does it with believable inner and outer strength without ever abandoning the plucky, wholesome nature of a grown-up Laura Ingalls.

The series isn't invincible. The special effects are less than special and it's never properly explained why cousin Superman hasn't at least stopped by with a housewarming gift. Too busy or just plain rude?

I trust that the writers, who include "Arrow" vet Greg Berlanti, will eventually tackle such problems. In the meantime, sit back, relax and enjoy the flight.


When: 7:30 p.m. Mondays.

Where: CBS, Ch. 4.