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Age: 43, Party or principal: Legacy-Next Generation, Job and title: Director, The Sacred Beings Project, Neighborhood: Whittier, Website:

Priority, if elected: My number one priority is taking care of the human rights of families, children and veterans -- housing, food, safety, education. This includes providing the support needed for citizens to be cared for economically, socially, physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. This means we need to do a better job of providing basic needs in our city: providing counseling, facilities for mental health and substance abuse victims, creating permanent housing -- overall, connecting people to resources. If families, children and veterans are not supported at the basic level, they cannot thrive and, in turn, our city cannot succeed and prosper.

Ideas for job/population growth: Create green energy jobs by looking at wind energy options on the North Side of the city.

Ideas to reduce crime: More proactive programs in place, including a police/child mentoring program and community development. The development piece is based on a model used in Greenville, S.C.

Ideas to lower property taxes: I would offset lower property taxes with other revenue-generating ideas, such as a parking tax for non-residents, "junk food" tax and smoking tax.

Did you support or oppose the Minnesota Vikings stadium package, approved by the city in May 2012? Yes, but the plan for funding needs to be reformed. This is a great community investment but funding shouldn't be on the backs of Minneapolis taxpayers.

Should the city build a $200 million streetcar line along Nicollet and Central Avenues? No

Should the mayor be allowed to appoint some school board members? Yes.

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