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Back-to-school season arrives with the hope and possibilities of a new academic year, but it can also bring feelings of dread as communities brace for test results measuring adequate yearly progress, or AYP.

The MCA statewide exams that determine the federally required AYP are expected to be released this month. Last year, just more than half of the state's 2,000 schools and 297 of 340 districts were "failing" by AYP standards. The new results likely won't be any better.

However, this year, parents and educators have reason to be hopeful that there may soon be less of that negative labeling now that Minnesota has applied for waivers from the federal No Child Left Behind law.

At the same time, that relief doesn't mean state schools can relax and be satisfied with current levels of student achievement. Backing away from some provisions of NCLB rules must not be an excuse to fall back into business as usual.

Despite its many faults, the federal law did shine a much-needed light on major problems in education. It exposed huge learning disparities among different groups of students. And it showed higher-performing states like Minnesota that they still have a lot of work to do to educate all kids.

Last month, U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said his department would grant waivers to release states from some of the most difficult provisions of NCLB. Since Congress is taking its time approving the reauthorization of the education law, the administration is offering waivers until a new law is passed.

The secretary proposed exemptions, but he rightly expects reasonable reform efforts in return. States that implement strict measures to improve failing schools, hold teachers accountable for student performance and have plans to ensure that students are "college- and career-ready" could be eligible for waivers from AYP.

Minnesota has applied for waivers in only two areas of the law. In a letter to Duncan, state Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius asked to hold AYP targets at current levels for three years to continue to assess students and schools without creating undue hardship for otherwise excellent programs.

State officials are also seeking a waiver from NCLB-mandated school spending. Currently, the law requires districts to set aside funding for tutoring and other corrective action.

Cassellius says the directive required districts to use funds in ways that haven't shown results. Districts need the flexibility to use limited funding on teaching and learning methods that work.

A request for a more comprehensive waiver will likely come in the next few months as the federal conditions for waivers become clearer. Minnesota should be well-positioned to meet those conditions based on recently passed state laws on teacher licensure and evaluation and other reform actions.

The federal department should grant waivers to states that have solid plans and demonstrated success. And it should refrain from substituting equally unproductive new regulations for those contained in NCLB.

If waivers or changes in federal law come with fewer requirements, states and local districts will still have the responsibility to replace those rules with strong, reasonable standards.

At the local level, educators and communities must devise better ways to set goals, measure student progress and school effectiveness, and be accountable for results.