Steve Alexander
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QWhen I'm reading Web pages, I can use the "zoom" feature to make print larger. But when I print those pages, the type remains normal size, which is hard for me to read. Is there a way to change the PC's settings to print text from Web pages larger?


AYes. The "zoom" control feature magnifies or shrinks the Web page while you're viewing it online but doesn't actually change the page's real size. But the "page setup" feature really makes the type larger. To use page setup, use these directions for the Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers.

In Firefox, click the "file" heading, choose "print preview" from the drop-down menu instead of "print," and then click the "page setup" button (next to the "print" button.) Uncheck the box in front of "shrink to fit page width" by clicking it. In the "scale" box, change 100 percent to something larger, such as 200 percent. Click OK. The print preview will show the larger type size that will be printed.

Tip: To make sure the larger print fits on one sheet of paper, choose the "landscape" or horizontal page orientation on the "page setup" menu. Even so, a 200 percent enlargement may run off the right side of the page, so enlarge a bit less than that.

In Internet Explorer, follow the same directions to reach "print preview," then at the top of the page click the drop-down menu beside "shrink to fit" and choose amount of enlargement you want. At the top of the page, click the horizontal page icon for landscape orientation.

QI stream a radio station from Toronto to my older Dell Inspiron laptop. But whenever I shut down an application such as Quicken or Microsoft Outlook, the radio also gets turned off. What's wrong?


ANet radio can be cut off if it lacks enough bandwidth or computing power. Your bandwidth is limited by the speed of your Internet connection. Your computing power is limited by the age of your PC.

You can conserve bandwidth by not surfing the Web while listening to Internet radio. Also be sure to close browser windows, since they may be automatically updating Web pages. You can conserve computing power by turning off extra features on your Net radio program, such as scrolling information or animated displays.

But that may not be enough. If Net radio's computing demands, plus the PC activity caused by turning off Quicken or Outlook (your work and settings have to be stored) push your PC to its computing limit, you'll need a newer PC with more processing power to solve the problem.

E-mail tech questions to steve.j.alexander, or write to Tech Q&A, 425 Portland Av. S., Minneapolis, MN 55488-0002. Include name, city and telephone number.