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Age: 64, Party or principal: DFL, Job and title: Council Member, Minneapolis City Council, Neighborhood: Jordan, Website:

Priority, if elected: I'll focus on three areas to grow our city population and build a strong economic foundation. First, I'll lead on education because the economic vitality of Minneapolis is threatened by a persistent achievement gap. Second, I'll keep driving down crime. I've led the current effort to decrease crime to 1960s levels, but we can do more. I'll engage six extended families that are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime. Lastly, we must incent more economic activity. I'll start the City of Lakes Investment Fund that will be our main finance development tool for existing, and Minneapolis-bound, businesses.

Ideas for job/population growth: Invest in transit, develop diverse housing, tackle racial gaps, control property taxes and improve safety to make Minneapolis an attractive destination for businesses and citizens.

Ideas to reduce crime: Newer data shows six extended families are responsible for staggering amounts of Minneapolis crime. I'll directly engage these families with support and a different path.

Ideas to lower property taxes: Invest in dense housing for population growth, by spreading the tax burden over more residents. Substantially reducing taxes while ensuring essential services requires population growth.

Did you support or oppose the Minnesota Vikings stadium package, approved by the city in May 2012? I supported the stadium package because, as Mayor Rybak said, it provided the city with flexibility to lower property taxes by $3.2 million next year.

Should the city build a $200 million streetcar line along Nicollet and Central Avenues? Yes.

Should the mayor be allowed to appoint some school board members? No.

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