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Moonlit owl prowl

Whitewater State Park

6:30-8 p.m. Saturday

Learn more about these elusive creatures. After a presentation, go prowling under the full moon for owls in the park. If there is enough snow, participants will snowshoe. Bring your own snowshoes or use the park's. (507-932-3007,

Winter hike

Fort Snelling State Park

1-3 p.m. Saturday

Explore the park with a naturalist. Search for animal tracks and signs, talk about the history of the area, and take in the sights of a winter flood plain forest. (612-725-2724,

Ski basics

Elm Creek Park Reserve

9:30-11 a.m. Saturday

Learn beginning ski-skating techniques, including efficient edging, gliding and control. Prior classic skiing experience recommended. Otherwise, a private lesson is encouraged. Cost is $25, or $41 with ski rental. The lesson is for ages 13 and older. Call 763-694-7894 and reference number 122252-03.

Nature trivia

Fort Snelling State Park

1-2:30 p.m. Sunday

Stop by the visitor center. Drop by for a few rounds, or stay the whole time and test your knowledge on all sorts of nature-related categories. (612-725-2724,

Ski basics II

Elm Creek Park Reserve

9:30-11 a.m. Sunday

Learn beginning ski-skating techniques. Prior classic skiing experience recommended. Cost is $25, or $41 with ski rental. The lesson is for ages 13 and older. Call 763-694-7894 and reference number 122252-04.

New Year's Eve walk by candlelight

Fort Snelling State Park

4-8 p.m. Thursday

Grab your family, dress warmly and hike miles of candlelit trails. Warm up at one of several roaring bonfires. A similar event is happening from 6-8 p.m. at Lake Carlos State Park, too. (612-725-2724,

Family day at wildlife refuge

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge

10 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday

Head to the visitor center in Bloomington, and celebrate winter with activities geared for families. Wear warm clothing in layers, including waterproof pants and boots. Inside, cozy up to the fireplace and enjoy reading winter books and watching fun nature films or challenge your family to a scavenger hunt!

No registration required; Snowshoes provided. (, 952-854-5900) On Wednesday, there is a ranger-led snowshoe hike from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The trek is recommended for ages 8 and older.