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The Urban Dictionary describes a Lurker as: someone that follows the forum but doesn't post.

I'm a known offender. I admit to being a blogger who's also a lurker.

I visit. I swing by. I read. I skim. I nod. I smile. I laugh.

But then I don't comment.

I'm working on it. New Year's Resolution 2010. Pinky swear.

Some blogs said that the first week of January was National Delurking Week.

Others have said that yesterday January 14 was National Delurking Day.

Either way we've missed it. We are delinquent with Delurking Day.

But we know you're out there. Why not take this opportunity to come out of the virtual woodwork and let us that you're out there. Have a suggestion? Topic for discussion? How long have you been following the blog? Share it in comments below. Or just say howdy.

Yes, you need to be registered with

What? You haven't done it yet?

I know, I know oftentimes having to register is what sends me to a screeching halt. And I don't comment.

But really it only takes a few moments. Cribsheet isn't just what May and I have to say. It's the community that connects comments and shares. Everyone benefits from your stories, perspectives and advice. Register here if you'd like to join in the conversation.

Please take a minute or two to sign in, comment, say hello and keep this community strong

Go ahead, delurk. It's delovely.