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Gov. Mark Dayton is proposing more than $45 million in additional fees as part of his new two-year budget package.

The proposal calls for $4.7 million from strengthening the state's newborn screening program, $2.9 million from home health care licensing and an increase in the critical habitat license plates fees that will bring in an additional $2.6 million.

Some fee revenue is expected to go down, like wind turbine permitting, which is expected to drop $52,000. Fees from the state auditor are expected to drop $13.1 million.

The state is expecting to take in $50 million less from the so-called health impact fee, a cigarette and tobacco tax approved several years ago. The fee is going down because fewer people are smoking, budget officials say.

Fees would ratchet up even more the next two years.

Dayton's proposal calls for $57 million in new fees for the 2016 and 17 budget.

The Dayton administration notes that the fee increases are less than when GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty was in office.

In 2009, the state imposed $116 million in additional fees. In 2005, state fees soared $621 million, mostly from the new health impact fee, or tax on tobacco products.

Gov. Mark Dayton's fee proposal. by Baird Helgeson