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Crystal want to turn the outside of gray cabinets containing traffic signal components from blah to beautiful by wrapping them in art created by professionals, community members or anybody who wants to help beautify the north metro suburb.

The city's Economic Development Authority, which is leading the effort, will accept submissions through June 10. Selected works will be sent to an experienced vendor, which will print them on a durable vinyl material that will be used to wrap the cabinets.

"Every year we try to do something more to beautify the city, and the cabinets wraps are this year's project," said John Sutter, Crystal's Community Development Director.

Crystal plans to wrap 10 cabinets, but it has not decided if one piece of art will be used for all of them, if one design will be chosen for each location, or something in between. "It will depend on the artwork submitted," the city's announcement said.

Artwork will be donated by the city and no compensation will be given to artists. Those who have their work chosen will be recognized with a one-foot-square plaque featuring their name and an acknowledgement of the donation.

Themes could include the history of Crystal, birds or animals seen in the city, the city flag or places or things that stand out, the call for submissions said.

"We also understand that you may have different and potentially better ideas," the posting said. "This list is just intended to get you thinking."

Each of the 10 cabinets to be wrapped stand 77.5 inches tall and have a width of 45 inches and a depth of 29 inches.

Submissions can be emailed to Winning entries will be selected by June 18 with installation set for mid- to late July.