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An oversized comic book titled "Superman vs. Muhammad Ali" sounds like the dumbest idea ever. Amazingly, it turned out to be a great idea 32 years ago, and has only improved with time.

DC Comics published "Superman vs. Muhammad Ali" in 1978 as "All-New Collector's Edition, Vol. 7, No. C-58" -- part of a series of oversized books that measured roughly 10 inches by 13 inches, usually called "Treasuries." "The Ali Treasury" was one of the few original ones ever printed by DC, as most were reprints.

It was the right decision, given the eye-popping art by superstar artist (and co-writer) Neal Adams. Most "Treasuries" just expanded regular-sized comics, and often looked cheesy. But the format was perfect for Adams' larger-than-life, photorealism style, which makes you feel like you can walk into the panel. You need no further evidence than the incredibly detailed cover, which boasts 172 real people, from then-President Jimmy Carter to then-"Tonight" show host Johnny Carson to then-DC Publisher Jenette Kahn. (Fortunately, there's a key.)

DC says the size made the book too difficult to reprint for years, although it seems more likely that celebrity images in the book held things up until recent changes in copyright law. What matters is that the book is finally back in print, at its original size in a "facsimile" hardback ($40) and a "deluxe" hardback at regular comic-book size (with some additional sketches and background, $20).

Of course, the premise still sounds stupid. But it isn't -- honest.

The story is about an alien race called the Scrubb that will wipe out Earth unless our champion faces their champion, the superstrong Hun'Ya. Superman and Ali volunteer, but since the fight will be under a red sun -- where Superman has no superpowers -- they fight a preliminary, no-powers boxing match for the right to represent Earth. Naturally, Ali proves the superior boxer, and must face Hun'Ya. Meanwhile, Superman takes on the Scrubb armada.

OK, no points for guessing who wins. But so what if the story is predictable? The joy is in the art, and in Ali's one-of-a-kind persona. Sure, some of that is the nostalgia factor for cranky oldsters, but kids who will love it, too.

There's a reason that Muhammad Ali joins Superman on the Top 10 list of Most Recognized People on Earth, and he doesn't even enjoy the Man of Steel's advantage of being fictional (and therefore immortal). Ali was not only one of the biggest celebrities of his generation, not only the most dominating boxer, not only beloved worldwide for his civil rights work, but also just a lot of fun.

He really was "The Greatest," and so is this book.