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The 67th installment of Stephen Colbert's 434-part series on congressional districts took him to the offices of Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison, introduced as U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann's "biggest critic" and "surprise, surprise, the nation's first Muslim congressman." "What kind of people would elect someone like that?" Colbert asked in mock shock about Ellison as part of a gag that misplaced Minnesota's "Fightin' Fifth" district in Manitoba. Ironically, the segment was filmed several weeks back at the height of the furor over Bachmann's allegations of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the U.S. government, which had the Minnesota Republican talking about Ellison's own alleged Muslim Brotherhood "associations." The episode gave the Comedy Central star a chance to do some sleuthing of his own: Colbert: Are you a Muslim?Ellison: Yes, sir.Colbert: Do you have siblings?Ellison: Yes, sir.Colbert: So you are literally a Muslim Brother? More revealing might have been Ellison helping out with the lyrics to the Mary Tyler Moore theme song. We won't ruin the ending here

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