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As some of you already know, my better-blogging half, May and her family moved away at the beginning of the month. We've decided to put our blog, Cribsheet to bed. In true Minnesotan - long good-bye and hard-to-let-go - fashion, we collaborated to bid Cribsheet a final fond farewell. _____________________________ Closing Time for Cribsheet Kay Krhin and May Chen So, here it goes... We are putting our other baby, Cribsheet, to bed. Cribsheet started as a blog for new parents, written by new parents.

The simple fact is, we are no longer new parents.

Changing diapers is a distant memory.

The pediatrician is no longer on speed dial.

We no longer type one-handed. (But are really good at it...)

And (sometimes) we sleep through the night.

It has been a great 4 ½ years. When we started the blog, we had no idea the wonderful friends and connections we'd make, the conversations and discussions we'd have and the support and inspiration we'd get from the parenting community. Overwhelming.

Our world has been changed by the people we met via the blog as we virtually navigated the new world of parenting together. We laughed and commiserated online and in real life. We are proud of the lasting friendships that spun off and formed from the Cribsheet commenting community too.

It all started with in a bland, beige and slightly sour lactation room at the Star Tribune. (Cribsheet Conception)

It was May's idea to leave a legal pad in the lactation room, so pumping moms could write notes to one another.

It was Kay's idea to take our legal pad conversations, musings and questions online in blog form.

We quickly found out that even though we grew up on different sides of the world we had an awful lot in common (besides the fact that our names rhyme).

We thought: if we were craving a sense of connection and community surely new parents were too.

And so Cribsheet was launched in September 2006.

We had no idea the adventures Cribsheet would take us on.

We laughed and commiserated with so many of you online and in real life.

For us, it was always personal. a labor of love. Our kids have virtually grown up with many of your kids.

Just a sampling of the many things we learned throughout the years:

Parenting, we're all in this together. If you're dealing with something, share it. You'll probably find out that you are not alone.

That a box of strips for testing alcohol in breast milk can be a great excuse for a night out. (Breastalyzer Test)

That your eyes may well up at your keyboard when you least expect it. (A new dad reaches out) We attended two memorial services for mothers we never met but were introduced to us through Cribsheet: Liz Logelin and Emilie Lemmons.

That smiling and nodding just don't translate well over the radio. We made guest appearances on the radio and pod-casts with the Good Enough Moms and Marti and Erin Erickson, Sheletta and Kevyn Burger on FM 107.

That the very second you hit "publish" on your blog post can be an incredibly vulnerable moment, no matter how many times you've done it.

That you just can't beat Jason DeRusha. Cribsheet was nominated for a regional Emmy in 2007, we got all dressed up and had a fantastic double date with our husbands. Alas, we came home sans golden statue, but then again, we were up the against the king of social media.

That Minnesota has a tremendous blogging community that is growing and booming with many talented folks that we've had the pleasure to meet either online or IRL.


We've also learned that profound thoughts can come out of the dark at tuck-in time.

The other night, Kay's Ben whispered from his pillow,

Ben: "In Charlotte's Web the spider said: 'With the right words you can change the world.' "

Kay: "Oh? What do you think those words are?

Ben: "I think they are please and thank you."

We've been grasping at words, trying to come up with some sort of profound thought as we put Cribsheet to bed. But it's not easy.

So we'll resort to a line in local band Semisonic's "Closing Time" (Which we learned was not necessarily about bar time but about birth Closing Time with a twist... )

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end...."

Thank you for being part of the Cribsheet community, for lettting us share our lives and links with you. We are so grateful for the friendships we've made! May & Kay signing off