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There's a great void in the world, now that Lindsay Lohan is off to rehab, shunted away behind a wall, unable to generate gossip. All the news is TV news out of the annual press schmoozefest in LA, and they're turning out stuff about press conferences and star-struck little interviews with pretty actors who pretend to be nice to writers for a few minutes so they'll write something that isn't filled with jealous snark. So what's new?

Well, Hollywood is discovering that bad movies might not be a good idea:

Add to that the loud clanging failure of "Cats and Dogs" sequel, and you have Hollywood execs thinking "Maybe the problem is animal movies." No. Maybe the problem is witless movies based on properties like Marmaduke, or loud things like "Cats and Dogs," which thought it might appeal to kids by copying the style of mid-1960s Bond films. Uh huh. At this point we're so far removred from the source material people might think they're imitating Austin Powers movies. My kid loves both cats and dogs, and thought the movie looked creepy. You could almost smell the desperation in the trailer: Hey, it's got a hip, funny, wise-cracking urban pigeon! Like the Donkey in Shrek! So it's like familiar but also different! And it's a sequel! Please come!
