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Jean Dujardin and Berenice Bejo in "The Artist." / Photo courtesy of Weinstein Company

Where to see Oscar-nominated films before Sunday night's awards telecast on ABC-TV. Go here for more Oscars coverage. On Twitter, Star Tribune Oscars coverage is using hashtag #oscarsmn
"Albert Nobbs": Edina
"The Artist": In wide release
"Bullhead": St. Anthony Main
"The Descendants": In wide release
"Footnote": Opens March 23 at Edina
"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close": Oakdale Ultracinema
"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo":Block E, Lakeville, Oakdale 20, Rogers
"The Help": Showplace Icon
"Hugo": Hopkins, New Hope, Maple Grove, White Bear
"The Iron Lady": Burnsville, Hudson, Lakeville, White Bear, Willow Creek
"Midnight in Paris": Showplace Icon
"Moneyball": Maple Grove
"My Week With Marilyn": Carmike Apple Valley, Block E, Brooklyn Center, Hopkins, Maple Grove, Riverview
"A Separation": Edina
"Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy": Edina, Highland, Oakdale 20
"The Tree of Life": Showplace Icon
"War Horse": Brookdale, Hopkins, Maple Grove, Oakdale Ultracinema
"A Better Life"
"The Help"
"Midnight in Paris"
"The Tree of Life"
AMC OSCAR SHOWCASE: "The Artist," "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close," "The Help," "Hugo" and "Midnight in Paris." Starting at 11 a.m. Feb. 25, Arbor Lakes, Eden Prairie, Rosedale, Southdale, $40 for all five movies.