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"Birds of the Pacific Northwest, a Photographic Guide"

Authors Tom Aersa, Richard Cannings, and Hal Opperman

Published by University of Washington Press in conjunction with the Seattle Audubon Society.

This handsome book covers the Northwest from the 200-mile line in the Pacific Ocean to the Rocky Mountains. Included are the southern half of British Columbia, all of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, parts of western Montana and Wyoming. It covers those species that reliably occur annually. Four-hundred and 12 species are included. There is an extensive and detailed discussion of geography, climate, and ecology by region. The species accounts include a very readable map for each (vivid color selection differentiating seasonal occurrences), plus one or more photos. Text covers the identification guide basics, with helpful addition of information on behavior and foraging. There is a list of references and an index. Paper-bound, the book, as many guides, would best be used as a pre- or post-trip reference rather than carried for field consultation. As a regional guide it offers the advantage of limiting coverage to birds likely to be seen, omitting some of the searching that might be done full North American coverage. It bills itself as a "complete expert guide to Pacific Northwest birds." And so it seems.