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A group of the Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter took a trip to southeast Minnesota last weekend. They saw or heard a late migrant Bufflehead in the marsh in La Crescent; Least Bittern at Mound Prairie marsh WMA; Sandhill Crane at Mound Prairie marsh WMA and along Highway 26, North of Brownsville in Houston County. Plus Eastern Screech Owl, Barred Owl, Common Nighthawk, Eastern Whip-poor-will, Red-headed Woodpecker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, and an Acadian Flycatcher along the main creek trail in Beaver Creek Valley state park. Plus a Veery, Wood Thrush, Blue-winged Warbler, a Prothonotary Warbler nesting at Millstone landing along Highway 26, in Houston County. Louisiana Waterthrush along the main creek trail, in Beaver Creek Valley state park. Wilson's Warbler, Clay-colored Sparrow in Fillmore County and a Henslow's Sparrow both in Fillmore County - Dr. Johan C Hvoslef WMA, and an Orchard Oriole. On Saturday at the SE corner of Carlos Avery Game Refuge, in Forest Lake, there was a Connecticut Warbler singing at 8:00am & 9:00am. It was at the intersection of Headquarters Rd & Pool 10 Rd. There is a small parking area where the 2 roads meet. There were also Blue-Winged Warbler, Mourning Warbler, Black-Billed Cuckoo & two Yellow-Billed Cuckoo.

My friend Linda Whyte heard a Hooded Warbler at Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Lakeville. It was along the section of trail that is accessed across from the Horse Camp parking lot. Walk until you see the green park signs on either side of the path that prohibits entry due to Oak Wilt. From there walk 350 steps farther along the trail, listening as you go. The bird was singing on the left side of the trail. There are a couple of informal paths that lead in closer to the bird, and that's where we saw it in plain sight. A Henslow's Sparrow was heard and seen in the huge open area to the SE, just before you top the rise toward the picnic table on the hill. Bobolinks were also prominent here.

Note: If this is not the large prairie just south of the Horse Parking lot, then there are usually Bobolinks in that prairie. And if you go all the way to the south end of the prairie, almost to the road that is the south boundary of the park, you may see and hear a Yellow-headed Blackbird in the western most marsh. I've seen him on the northwest edge of the marsh.