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Dear readers: Every year I step away from my column for two weeks to work on other projects. I hope you enjoy these "best of" columns from 10 years ago. Today's topic: politics.

Dear Amy: The community I live in has many people who are so rabid and strident in their political positions that they can't seem to shut up about it at a lunch or dinner party.

I feel strongly about issues that are important to me, too, but I do not enjoy listening to people ranting.

I recently had lunch with friends, and "Barbara" launched into politics (as usual). When I pointed out that "friends who don't talk politics stay friends," Barbara laughed it off and continued her diatribe. At this point, I don't think she can help herself. Is my only option to quit having lunch with Barbara and others like her?

Amy says: If everyone in a group is engaged in a spirited discussion that is dominated by one topic, then you'd be wise to hop on board rather than try to dictate what people can discuss in your presence. You can try to control the conversation through diverting it to a topic you find interesting, but the primary requirement in polite company is that people remain civil. If you find that an individual (or group) consistently rants about a topic that you aren't interested in, then you'll want to avoid this company. (July 2012)

We need to talk

Dear Amy: We are friends with an older couple who live down the street. In all the years I've known them, we've never discussed politics. But now a sign appeared in their yard for a candidate I cannot stand.

I'm gay, and my neighbors know it. Prejudice against gay people is a plank in their candidate's political platform.

I tell myself that my neighbors are the same people I've liked for many years, but I feel differently now. Should I talk to them about it, or should I just ignore it?

Amy says: By posting the sign, your neighbors are inviting a conversation with people who see it. The question is whether you are up to having this conversation with them.

Your neighbors might not be aware of this candidate's stand on gay issues. They might be aware of it but might not vote on social issues. Or they might agree with this candidate's views.

If you choose to speak to them, approach them with an open attitude, tolerance and a determination to listen. This is an attitude you would want from anyone questioning your political views. (October 2012)

(Former) BFFs

Dear Amy: My friend "S" and I have been friends since sixth grade — almost 40 years ago. Although there are many things we agree on, we are opposites politically.

I have been posting political items on my Facebook page in favor of my presidential choice. Recently, S sent me a private message saying she has temporarily "unfriended" me because she doesn't want to see all of my political "drivel." She ended her message by saying that she will "see me back online after November."

How can I possibly accept a "friend request" from her after the election and allow things to go back to normal, after she basically kicked me to the curb?

Amy says: S could have handled this in a way other than by "unfriending" you. She could adjust her Facebook settings to "hide" your postings until after the election and you would be none-the-wiser.

But S isn't really kicking you to the curb. She is rejecting your candidate. (October 2012)

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