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States, cities and well-known companies admirably stepped up to continue the fight against climate change after President Donald Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Accord. A similar public-private coalition is now needed as the federal government falters in funding common-sense, locally led strategies to prevent violent extremism.

Throughout 2016, a Star Tribune editorial series laid out the case for strengthening community-based programs to thwart those who recruit young people to commit violence at home or abroad. Minnesota has a critical stake in the success of these measures, which are an integral part of the nation's "countering violent extremism," or CVE, strategies.

The state is home to one of the nation's largest Somali-American communities, and agents for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria have preyed on its young people. Last year, nine young men from here were convicted on terror conspiracy charges in federal court.

Vigorously prosecuting those who pursue terror is an important deterrent strategy. But it's also critical to prevent young people from ever going down that road. Locally led programs, such as after-school educational activities and athletic opportunities that build prosperous, resilient communities, are vital in achieving this goal.

While funding under former President Barack Obama had never been robust, support for community-based resilience programs gained momentum during his second term. Congress had approved $10 million in grants through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The first round of grant recipients was announced in January, with two respected Minnesota organizations on the list.

It is deeply troubling that the grant money has yet to be distributed nearly five months later, and it remains unclear if it will be. This week, DHS officials told an editorial writer that the funding is the subject of a review to "ensure the most effective use of taxpayer dollars." That reasoning is dubious at best given that the GOP-controlled Congress had already appropriated the money for this reason.

More disturbing is the lack of community grant funding in Trump's proposed 2018 budget. The president has made national security a priority. The recent attacks in Manchester and London suggest that terrorist groups continue to target innocent people. If Trump is serious about security, he should support a comprehensive approach that includes prevention. The budget suggests an alarming blind spot to its importance.

The void is one that state and local governments, the business community, and nonprofits must fill. According to experts, this was the intent all along, with the federal government providing a kick-start through funding. It's just happening sooner than expected.

Businesses can provide mentoring and job opportunities that the federal government can't. Mayors and county leaders active in the community have an up-close view of local needs and can more nimbly forge community connections and trust. Minnesota's political, nonprofit and business leaders have already done pioneering work to build community resilience. They are more than capable of shouldering the mantle of leadership the federal government has effectively passed to them.