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Rome: Tra­vers­ing the Sa­cred

Open­ing Sat­ur­day: The flow­ing forms of Roman Baroque sculp­ture are a nat­u­ral for a paint­er best known for big, lush, Pop-style im­ag­es of roses and oth­er blos­soms. Af­ter a so­journ in Rome, Minneapolis art­ist Charles Lyon re­turned with an­gels on his mind. Spe­cif­i­cal­ly, the 10 mar­ble an­gels that Gian Lorenzo Ber­ni­ni and oth­ers de­signed to grace the Ponte Sant'Angelo, which spans the Tiber River and links the an­cient city to the Chris­tian pre­cincts domi­nat­ed by St. Peter's Basilica and the Vat­i­can. In­stead of ruf­fled flow­er pet­als, Lyon evokes the undulating robes, cas­cad­ing ring­lets and ten­der ex­pres­sions of the 350-year-old sculp­tures, in­clud­ing the "Angel with Su­dar­i­um" seen here. Si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly, Minnesota art­ist Carl Oltvedt is show­ing new land­scape paint­ings of the North Shore and Minneapolis parks in the gal­ler­y's An­nex. (Open­ing 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Sat., free. Grove­land Gallery and An­nex, 25 Grove­land Ter­race, Mpls. Ends April 18, free. 612-377-7800,

Mary Abbe