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Short answer: probably. We'll get to that. First: This can't be right. From today's Strib:

If that was the first, what did we have a few weeks ago? Was that not a "storm" because the snow fell at a consistent gentle pace, without the wind whipping it around? Possibly. But the Weather Channel called it Caesar - they name the storms now, you know. So it was the third storm. This means the one that moved through the Midwest was Winter Storm Event Draco. No one will call it that, except for the Weather Channel. Hurricanes are easier to name because they hit specific places. Coasts. Storms that lumber across vast swaths of the country do not need names.

CRIME TODAY A few highlights from the Crime Blotter.

Whereupon a drunk man got out said "I give up. Thish ice is too thick":

That's got to be twenty packs, at least:

Can't you just pour gravy over it, Felix?

Stay on the line and remain calm, sir; the police are on their way:

One Adam-12, One Adam-12, see the man, tell him to get a life:

RETAIL There are almost 400 Apple stores in the world. Giz did a piece on some bad behavior at Texas outlet, and subsequently received emails about shenanigans at other stores. Seems that some tech-repair employees look at people's private information, and the jerks who have no regard for their jobs or responsibilities trash inventory for the fun of it.

Uh huh. Before, when a Genius saw someone looking through a customer's private information, he shouted "what are you doing? Steve would be appalled!" It's likely this goes on, but how widespread is it? Unverified emails do not necessarily mean "a pattern of internal havoc." That said, you should expect someone's going to go through your drive, because the world abounds with poorly socialized nerds who regard all information as something to which they are automatically entitled. For the lulz, if nothing else.

So write a little script that automatically takes a picture of the user when opened, change the icon to a folder, name it "Private," and present the evidence to the store manager.

For the lulz, if nothing else.