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Justin Bieber's hysteria-inducing power doesn't come from the voice and cherubic face alone.

It's that hair, a sort of cross between a bowl cut and a shag, brushed forward and sideswept in an eyelash-level fringe.

Though Bieber, who makes a special "American Idol" appearance Wednesday, claims not to spend much time on it, his 'do seems rather fussy for a boy. But as any wildly successful tween idol knows, girls go crazy over popsters with girly hair, with extra points for a toothy grin.

The prototype for this look was the young Donny Osmond, a Tiger Beat favorite nearly 40 years ago. Donny didn't have access to the superior sprays and styling mousses that technology has afforded Bieber, but his hit single "Puppy Love" still made the seventh-grade set swoon.

Come to think of it, that's it -- they look like puppies, cute little Cocker spaniels. Charlie Brown was right. Happiness is a warm -- and warbling -- puppy.