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If you haven't seen the end of Fargo and want to be surprised, go away. Spoilers abound. Just saying the name of a character is a spoiler. If you want to be spoiled, and you're the sort of person who's been scouring the internet for "Force Awakens" scripts so you know everything that happens before you see it, I don't understand you. Anyway, the extraordinary second season wrapped up last night. As is the case with Prestige Cable Dramas, the penultimate ep was the exciting one. The last ep usually lets the air out, either in a gentle sigh or a whoopee-cushion razz. In the case of Fargo, it was the latter. Perfect ending. Emmus all around, and special extra-strength Emmy to Ted Danson for that last scene.

The New York Times says:

. Peggy wants something different. To say she wants something more suggests there's something insufficient about home / family / small business. Her "more" is a vapid sense of "self-actualization" that fills her empty head with perfumed steam. At the end in the squad car, her response to Lou's story about what a man will do for his family is a litany of pop-psych twaddle - which the Times reviewer characterizes thus:

Really? She'd know anything about the difficulties of being a mother with a job? She's just swapped scripts. Out with the actualizing, in with the victimizing. She's the victim, ya know.

Now, some nit-picky stuff. The AV Club had a picture handed out from FX; let's look at the details.

Suggs brand Gurketsalat. Not a brand I remember. If you search "Fargo season 2" and Suggs, nothing will come up - except the name of a character we never meet, Big Jim Suggs. Another clue:

Good luck finding anything about that. More luck at the Rushmore gas station, where you see some familiar products:

That's a fresh Old Dutch box, but they're self-consciously retro these days, so it all works out. I wonder if it's a reference to the Reagan subplot, such as it. As for Leinies - had it made to South Dakota in 1979?

Anyway. AV Club had the best recaps, and I look forward to seeing what they'll say about Season 3. You want to spend time with the S2 characters again - but when you think about it, maybe not. Leave it as it was, which was damned near perfect.