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Q: Do women get turned on by photos of men's junk? I'm ready 2 hit send on this text: "Brett Favre is my hero -- emulate him."


A: Let's be clear on something: The Brett Favre phone pics are not attractive. A flaccid penis unfortunately resembles a skinned rodent (I grew up in the country, so I know what that looks like) and I can't say it's entirely more attractive when pumped full of warm blood. To be fair, the vulva isn't much to look at, either, but female masturbation still gets a lot more attention on than the videos of guys wanking it. What possessed Mr. Favre to allegedly snap photos of his little soldier not at attention is beyond me, but I'll assume that either performance-enhancing drugs or good ol' alcohol were to blame for the sad state of the man's affairs. (If that was the little Brettski fully engaged, well, sorry about your bad luck, homeboy.)

Women are less visual than men when it comes to sexual arousal, so they are generally less turned on by a cock shot in their inbox than a man might be after seeing a spread labia and a submerged sex toy or two. So I'd venture to guess that most women would not be turned on by a phone pic of a penis alone. There has to be some textual foreplay, some downright dirty messages exchanged before the glistening peen shot gets sent off into the unknown. Only once our brains have been sufficiently stimulated with X-rated scenarios can we take the cock shot seriously.

Q: Hi, I think there might be sparks between a woman that I cross paths with every so often and me. She is very charismatic and easy to hang out with. Which makes it difficult to determine if I'm special or just happen to be around at the right times. How do I know if she's as curious about me as I am her?

--CORN B JR., 40

A: You could ask her. I know, a novel approach, right? Sometimes -- in fact, more often than not -- the direct method is the best method. Much like when you're in Barnes & Noble and can't find the astrology books so you ask someone wearing a nametag where you might find them (by the registers, go figure), asking a woman a simple question is the easiest way to get a quick and honest answer. Try something direct, like "Can I take you out for dinner sometime?" or "Would you be opposed to making out with me?" An easygoing girl would have no problem answering such an easy question from you. Just make sure it can't be misunderstood as a friendly gesture.

Socially outgoing females with a respectable level of attractiveness everywhere thank you for realizing that just because we're friendly doesn't mean we're interested in dating you. However, because we are mature and respectful enough to communicate honestly and openly with other awesome people, we don't get offended when you ask us out on a date when we're not interested. Just as long as you don't get all weird on us if we turn you down. Recognize that mature men and women can just be friends when they have fun hanging out together but it's been made clear that there will be no hittin' the skins.

Congratulations to Todd K., who won tickets to see Stars at First Avenue on Oct. 27. His winning tip for a successful sleepover: "For the distinguished and discerning snorer, I recommend carrying an unopened package of foam earplugs. ... If the lady is open-minded about trying them, then the guy has an early indication that things could go beyond a one-night stand -- and it might even be a match made in heaven." Sound advice, and surely coming from a place of experience. Hope you enjoyed the show!

  • Alexis McKinnis is taking your questions about sex, dating and relationships. Send them to or submit anonymously at Don't leave out the juicy details!