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It's not about the nail. Will you stop saying that the problem is the nail?

It's Not About the Nail from Jason Headley on Vimeo. (via American Digest,)

YOU THERE Today's examples of the irritating internet habit for pointing its finger and making irritating, arrogant assumptions:

Minimalist Posters That Reduce Your Favorite Movies To Basic Shapes

Really? My favorite movies? You know that, for sure? Here's an example:

Not only dd I not know what it was, making it a rather ineffective movie poster, it's not one my favorite movies. The rest are all here. See if you can guess what they are before you look at the name.

Speaking of movies, a brief detour before we return to the YOU headlines of the day: posters for the worst movies shown at Cannes this year. You have to admit this one looks intriguing:

That's a real movie. It is about exactly what you think it is about. A tornado that has sharks in it. Stars John Heard, for whom I feel so very, very bad.

Anyway, back to the headlines that use YOU to make you click, even though they contain ridiculous postulates. From Atlantic Cities:

Why You Can't Be Blasé About the Next World's Tallest Building

What's wrong with this? Simple: I'm not blase. But if I wanted to be blase, I would. Don't tell me I can't be blase. Here's the story:

As it happens, I'm not blase. I'm curious about several things.

* Whether it will be completed at all

* Whether it will fall down sooner, rather than later

* Whether it will have any archtectural merit whatsoever (suspicion: no)

* Whether the inhabitants will eventually form a hive mind with all bodily cycles synced, and telepathic communication enabled

The concepts are straight out of old scifi mags and wild-eyed futurists. There will be parks - in the sky! People will live work and play in the same shiny tower, with pristine countryside stretching out for miles beyond! Here's the lifeless prison summed up in the promotional video:

In case you don't want to watch the inspirational video, some screenshots:

That's a rather parsimonious amoung of green space for 220 stories' worth of sun-starved occupants, who will possibly turn into soft hairless weevils after a few generations. Architecturally, it's dull - but what's the point of ornamentation after 100 floors, eh? Tthe visionary CEO behind the company - which is branching into construction after a successful run as an air-conditioner manufacturing company - has grander plans.

What if? You'd never go see them, that's what if. And can you imagine living on the 180th floor and having a dog who needs to go out? Again? You were just out.

But the creators of this Human Storage System plan to go over 600 stories. Is he serious? From Quartz:

The article's author notes:

Perhaps. But it's worth noting that Corbusier's concepts are sterile and inhuman, disconnected from the vibrance and messy dynamism of actual cities. We tried these. They failed.

But that's just racism talking, of course. From the Atlantic Cities comments:

While we are certainly obliged to be schooled on racism by people who use the term "white monkeys," the skepticism on this matter has more to do with the wisdom of compacting so many people into a prefab box utterly disconnected from the physical world and a preexisting urban environment. It's a technological achievement, yes - the modular technique is ingenious, and applause for the bright lads who figured out how to stack hive-homes that high. That will make housing in cities more affordable. Eventually they might even figure out a way to make them beautiful.

PRODUCTS A nifty collection of old packages, including the bygone brilliant idea, canned cigars.Don't miss the link to the word of Paul Rand, a marvelous designer who engrained a preference for simple modernism among boomer children with his Colorforms packaging.

CONTROVERSY NO. IT'S NOT. I don't care what anyone says. I don't care that the inventor of the things says I'm wrong. It's a hard G because "graphical" has a hard G and the G in GIF stands for Graphical and I don't care what anyone says.

Have a grand three-day weekend - see you back here Monday with Memorial Day material. Including "8 Things YOU don't know about Memorial Day." Really.