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You may have read that the Russian space agency had a setback: well.

As for the cause: RIA Novosti says:

Yum! Here's another angle:

In the second video, people are shown running away because they believe the rocket is coming towards them. Not an entirely irrational belief.

Would you like to see other things blowing up, but on purpose? Very well. Gage Towers in Mankato goes down, but not before there's a series of extremely satisfying explosions.

You'll want to see that again, right? Here's another view.

But what did it look like in Slo-Mo?

Note the person on the bottom right who's shooting it in vertical mode. Hopeless.

One more here in HD, if you wish. Click and go full screen.

"DYING ON THE" PUNS TO START SOON Instagram's addition of video will kill Vine, they said. CNBC notes that it's happening rather quickly:

Adding video to Instagram was both unnecessary and inevitable. They can stop adding features now. We're fine. Meanwhile, in Vineland: Daily Dot has the story behind the most famous selfie from last week. In related news, I hate the word selfie.

In related news, no one's Asking Jeeves much these days, either. From the New York Times:

Okay, one more internet thing: why you should never trust Facebook. From the "Well-Prepared Mind" blog:

Well, it's probably a glitch. Never trust Facebook? Isn't that a bit hyperbolic? Sure. Then again, look what Symantec found in the Facebook Android app:

I'm sure useful, data-rich information like that was deleted as soon as possible. The drives were demagnetized and buried in a landfill next to the ET Atari cartridges.

Anyway, Instagram video is 15 seconds. Vine gives you 6. Here's 17 seconds from Matt Oss on Vimeo. Yikes.

Yarnell Hill Fire from Congress, AZ from Matt Oss on Vimeo.

Say what you will about our weather last month, there's an upside to being damp.