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A Sexy Green Home

Finding the ideal location for an apartment, condo or house is the first step in making it home. Next is decorating your home which can be fun, exciting and green too! Having a green home boast several perks that can be cost-effective and eco-friendly without having to sacrifice personal style. One benefit of green is energy efficiency when it comes to electrical appliances, which helps to save on cost electric bills. Another plus is that with a green home you're exposed to fewer toxins helping to increase your quality of clean air thus a better quality of life. Whether you're remodeling or purchasing a new home, go green and transform your home.

Here are a few ways to get started.

Keep your indoor air quality pure for better health: The air inside your home can be 100 times worse than outdoor air. Request and use paints and finishes that are "low or no VOC" (don't smell) to protect your air quality. Clean up your indoor air Use natural air filters and fresheners - Chemical spray and wall plug filters are out! Use plants to help keep your home fresh and clean. Spider plants, peace lilies and ivy are the best. Try zeolite, a natural volcanic rock that controls odors without masking them.

Buy resource saving features to keep utility costs low: Make sure you're installing energy star appliances to conserve energy resources and your monthly expenses. Use ceiling fans and light dimmers wherever practical. Switch your regular incandescent light bulbs for the Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs, these use 66% less energy and last up to ten times longer. Strategically place transparent eco-resin walls to let light shine through cutting down on electricity. Create areas for multiple functions so fewer electronics are purchased ie: a TV that swivels from one room to the next through an opening in the wall.

Buy sustainable designs for furniture: It has gotten easier to find and purchase great furniture with style and value that is eco-friendly too. Natural fabrics Use sustainable materials for durability and long term cost savings – Bamboo flooring is hot and replenishes in the forest faster than other wood flooring sources. Carpet tiles from Interface create interesting pattern choices and can be easily individually replaced if there is a spill. If you have knack for finding unique piece, consider vintage shopping for certain items. Be sure to check the quality and durability prior to purchasing, but is another way to make a green purchase. Try reusing old items and morphing or giving them a face lift. Look for domestically manufactured furniture with frames that are built of certified sustainable wood with natural-fiber cushioning and fabrics.

Accent pieces and accessories: Everyone likes to add a special touch with personal items. Use picture frames made from bamboo. Buy acrylic (rather than oil based) paintings. If you're a fan of candles go for soy ones. For kitchen accessories buy products in concentrate or in bulk and use refillable containers. One last bit, create a recycling station somewhere in the kitchen. Your home can be environmentally friendly from day one, or made-over into one after years of living there. It all stems from a new thought process. If you're conscious of the environment while in at home it will trickle down to other areas of your life and become second ( or maybe first) nature.